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Prelude Music Foundation

2802 Timmons Ln. Suite #27170

Houston, TX 77227


Make a tax deductible donation‏.


It's easy to donate offline too.

Text PMF2021 to 44-321

Become an Ambassador

Donate $500 or more

2023 - 2024 Ambassadors

Rebecca & William Adler

Dr. Christie Billings

Laura & Seth Borland

Philip Bratten

Rebecca Browder

Courtney & Jordan Chester

Cathy & Randy Crath

Viviana & David Denechaud

Audrey & Keith Glickert

Mary Chris & Peter Godfrey

Jenny & Jeff Gregory

Deborah & Rock Gremillion

Kelly Beth & Charlie Hapgood

Julia & Michael Hiner

Jayne & Garrett Johnston

Mary Catherine Jones

Faranak Kamali

Patricia Monticello Kievlan & Daniel Rhodes Kievlan

Jenna Klein

Eli Levinowitz

Lili & Art Levinowitz

Sarah & Christopher Lewis

Meghan & Kenneth Lutschg

Kaitlin & Peter McLellan

Raluca Dalea & John Munroe

Rashmi Murthy & Sid Baweja

Sarrah & Jim Petersen

Caroline & Patrick Reichert

India Riggs

Betsy & Ed Schreiber

Nikita & Atman Shukla

Emily & David Sheeren

Diana Skerl & Michael Karakasians

Jessica & Josh Solera

Leah Stolar

Jessica Trammell

Lauren & Roger Walker

Stephanie & Benjamin Wiegand

Ann & Benjamin Ziker


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Posey-Glickert Foundation

Steen Family Foundation

Miller-Shedd Family Charitable Fund


Volunteer Weekly

After attending a training on how music supports early childhood development, volunteers accompany our Foundation teachers into the classrooms where they make music with the children. To promote continuity, volunteers are asked to commit to consecutive weekly attendance in at least six (6) week intervals. By attending the music sessions each week, volunteers have the opportunity to build connections with the students and provide them with positive and encouraging adult attention, validation, and acceptance.

Host a Fundraiser

Support the Foundation by sharing our mission with your friends and family. You can hold a private fundraiser in your home and invite your friends and neighbors. You provide the wine and cheese, and we will bring the string quartet!


You can also underwrite one of our annual fundraising events so that every penny we raise may go towards the program instead of paying for event costs. To find out more about underwriting opportunities, please email


You can even hold a fundraiser using the Facebook fundraising platform.

Host a Concert

Support the Foundation by hosting a Family Engagement Concert at your home or you child's school! Our concerts are fun and engaging. Lead by professional musicians from Prelude Music Classes and the Prelude Music Foundation, our concerts will get you and your children singing, dancing, moving and grooving with us.


To find out more about hosting a Family Engagement Concert, please email

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Contact Us


Phone: 832-803-7701

Registered Charity: 47-1645705


Music Together art & logo design © 1992-2024 Music Together LLC. Music Together is a registered trademark. Prelude Music Foundation is licensed by Music Together LLC. For more locations:

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